What happens when a person is going through Rahu Mahadasha, Saturn Antardasha and Sade Sati for the Capricorn Moon sign?

You have not mentioned the Lagnam (Ascendant). Lagnam (Ascendant) is more important than Rasi. Anyway, I analyze the question from the Rasi that you have given. The Moon sign is Capricorn. That is the Rasi is Capricorn. Rasi Lord is Saturn. The person is going through Rahu Mahadasa, and Saturn Antardasa. You have not given the position of Rahu. If Rahu is in good houses, then the time period is good. Rahu and Saturn are thick friends and therefore, they will coordinate to give you substantial benefits during this period. However, if Rahu is placed in malefic houses or if Rahu is afflicted, then the time period will give obstacles. Injuries, illnesses, accidents and surgeries could happen depending on the placement of Rahu.

As regards Sade Sati (7 ½ years Saturn), the placement of Moon is important. Here, you have given that Moon is placed in Capricorn. Already Saturn has completed his transit in Capricorn and has moved to Aquarius on January 17 2023. Therefore, this is the final part of the Sade Sati (7 ½ years Saturn). Saturn is the Rasi Lord and Lord of the Second House (House of Wealth, Family) from the Chandra Lagnam (House where the Moon is placed). Lordship of Saturn is good. You have not given the placement of Saturn. From whatever information you have given, I feel that the Sade Sati (7 ½ years Saturn) will not be a problematic thing and in fact, the person may even get benefits out of it. Rahu Mahadasa and Saturn Antardasa will help the person to tide over the Sade Sati (7 ½ years Saturn) without much difficulties.

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Published by S Ramakrishnan

S Ramakrishnan is a well known Vedic Astrologer with more than 25 years of experience. You can address business, health, career, children, marriage, divorce, relationships, foreign trips and financial problems for a solution. Please address your problems to the following email. meena.astrology@gmail.com mentioning your name, date of birth, place of birth and time of birth.

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