Choosing a wrong date for filing nomination led to an unexpected defeat

This is election time. Lok Sabha election 2024 is going on now. Out of the seven phases of the election, five phases are already over. Within a week, the entire election process will be over in India. Next, Parliamentary election will start in Britain. Then, we have the Presidential election in the USA in November 2024. Candidates of different parties contest these elections, spend lot of money and do hard work in the field to meet the people and canvass for votes in order to win the election. They belong to various parties like the BJP, Congress, TMC, DMK, Telugu Desam in India, Labour Party and Conservative Party in Britain, Democratic Party and Republican Party in the USA and so on in other countries also. But most of the people do not take care of one important thing while contesting election. That is choosing the correct date and time for filing their nominations before the Electoral Authority.

In the 2019 election in India, a well-known candidate filed his nomination before the Election Commission to contest to become an MP in the Lok Sabha. He was a popular candidate in his constituency. People expected him to win the election and become an MP. He was also very confident. But he filed his nomination on a day on which the Moon was transiting in his Ashtamasthan (Eighth House – House of Occult). Eighth House (House of Research) is a Dusthana (Bad Place). Ashtamasthan (Eighth House – House of Occult) brings health problems, injuries, illnesses, accidents and surgeries. Eighth House (House of Research) brings bad events. Not only that, the Moon was transiting in a Nakshatra (Star) that was a Naidhana Nakshatra (Bad).

Before the election date, an internal rebellion started in his party in his constituency. The local leaders failed to support him and instead voted for his opponent, who won by a small margin in the election and defeated him. When I met him after an year, he narrated this incident. I asked him on which date and time he filed his nomination. He told me. I analyzed it and found that it was an inauspicious date and time that led to his defeat.

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Published by S Ramakrishnan

S Ramakrishnan is a well known Vedic Astrologer with more than 25 years of experience. You can address business, health, career, children, marriage, divorce, relationships, foreign trips and financial problems for a solution. Please address your problems to the following email. mentioning your name, date of birth, place of birth and time of birth.

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